Eczema or atopic dermatitis usually appears on toddlers. This is a rash in the skin usually which occurs on the scalp and cheeks. Eczema toddler symptoms are rashes that seem to be dry, thickened and scaly or oozing red bumps when become infected. Eczema is irregular and is not contagious. Eczema toddler symptoms are very uncomfortable and can bring about infection. To know eczema toddler symptoms is quite useful to prevent or lessen the discomfort and risk for infection.
Eczema is a skin condition that is a chronic inflammation. It develops commonly in infants and toddlers. The real cause of eczema is unknown, though the reason that toddlers acquire eczema can often be genetic or inherited. Your son or daughter is more likely to have problems with eczema if a member of your family has had allergies like asthma or eczema.
Eczema toddler symptoms may be aggravated by irritants like heat or something that comes in contact on the toddler’s skin. Such irritants that come in contact are soap, lotions, detergents and fragrances. Stress may also aggravate eczema toddler symptoms. The symptoms have to be identified to determine the presence of eczema inside the toddler and to avoid aggravation.
The symptom which brings the most discomfort to a toddler with eczema is itching. Oahu is the hallmark sign that distinguishes atopic dermatitis or eczema business rashes. The itching is very intense that puts the toddler and also parents on a very challenging time. Scratching can lead more to a severe sensation of itch. The itching is regarded as the difficult symptom as it makes the toddler frequently scratch the rashes and may lead to infection.
Another eczema toddler symptom is skin patches which may be discolored or thick. The patches are dry scaly lesions that will appear in grey or I brown. These usually develop prior to the age of 5. The area affected can appear flaky or tender. Usually, these patches show up on the scalp or even in the face. Less frequently this symptom occurs behind the knees, ankles and chest.
Skin lesions caused by eczema in a toddler may appear bumpy and rough. Because of itching sensation, toddlers may scratch the lesions or patches causing to leak pus. If scratching is prevented the lesion may heal forming an approximate and yellowish crust in the area. This one type of eczema toddler symptoms may subside for a while but can also persist into adulthood.
When the eczema toddler symptoms happen in the scalp the toddler is more likely to experience baldness. In some case like if the eczema toddler symptoms come in the face especially near the eye or forehead, doctor’s advice is always to temporarily cut the hair near the affected area in order to avoid exacerbation and infection.
Eczema is not a kind of allergic reaction but irritants like allergens within the environment can trigger the surface. Examples of environmental allergens are tobacco smoke, pollens and dust. Less frequently, your child’s diet may also contain allergens that may trigger eczema symptoms. To understand the eczema toddler symptoms may identify the location affected. In this way the triggering factors could be avoided.