Common concerns for the elderly include difficulty with stairs, difficulty with community activities such as grocery shopping, difficulty taking care of their home and difficulty taking care of them. Even with these concerns, there is a trend in today’s elderly to want to stay in their own home rather than go to an assistive living facility or a retirement center. The good news is that with the right help the aging population just might be able to accomplish staying in their own homes.
The first thing to think about is the kind of help that might be needed as the aging process ensues. It is important to think about the kind of help that might be needed in the near future. It is difficult to plan ahead because one never knows what life will throw their way. Some people start by having trouble doing everyday activities of daily living such as shopping, cooking, and taking care of the home as well as themselves. Whether you live alone, live with a partner that is ill, or have a chronic illness such as diabetes, lung disease, or heart disease there is help out there for you.
Most people begin to rely upon family members to help them out. However, this can become draining on family relationships. In today’s growing health care field, you can get almost any type of help that you want in your home. The different types of services that can be used for help include:
1. Personal care services for help with bathing or dressing, meal prep, light housekeeping, and transportation to appointments.
2. Companion/homemaker services for help with housecleaning, yard work, laundry or shopping, meals or even just someone to talk to.
3. Home health aide for short term health care needs. It is usually covered through Medicare for when someone gets out of the hospital and still need nursing care at home.
4. Adult day care centers are there for when the time when someone cannot be alone during the day. They usually pick you up and bring you home.
The cost of help varies depending on the types of services that are required. Some types of help do cost, however Medicare, Medicaid, or other long term insurances might assist with some home care. Funding is also available through non-profit programs on the Federal and State levels. It is important to check into individual insurance coverage to see what is covered. Checking into community resources and finding volunteer programs can also be a big help in assisting home care. In order to fulfill your wish of still living in your own home, make sure to look at all of your options, speak with your family and physician.
About the Author
Bekie Cohner is a nurse and writer who has 10 years of experience working in the Austin Health Care field in the geriatric population.